On Thu, 6 May 2010, Marcel Dan wrote:

I have to work on it more to get more info but I was wondering if someone
had it running before I spend time on it.

Basically, I can install and start to run the thinkorswim app but it hangs
when it "downloads" the new version after the login.
I thought about calling TD directly but I'm sure they are swamped after the
market panic today.




I had a similar problem when I first tried to run ToS on a Linux install.
The app would hang during the update download.  Now it works correctly.

I doubt you would get much help from either TDA or ToS regarding running
ToS on OpenBSD.  OpenBSD is not a supported OS, FWIW their support for
Linux is marginal compared to running under the MickeySoft OS.

PS You sure picked an interesting day to post about trading software. :-)

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