On Mon, 24 May 2010 12:31:56 +0700, Bret S. Lambert <bret.lamb...@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 12:52:39AM +0200, Roger Schreiter wrote:

we've been running a BGP router on OpenBSD for
the months without problems.

Now it crashed two times within 4 days. After the
second crash, I could have a look on the screen:

   uvm_fault (0xd088cfc0, 0x6c4e2000, 0, 1) -> e
   kernel: page fault trap, code=0
   Stopped at      pool_do_get+0x11b:   movl   0(%ebx),%eax

Is there any mean to figure out, which driver did cause
the problem?

Yes, by following the instructions which accompanied this message.

WTF is it with people unable to do that lately?

There is a 4xFE-NIC from D-Link (interface ste0 .. 3),
whose driver seems to be new at OpenBSD-4.6.

Maybe OOT, but I suggest your replace D-link 4xFE with something else.. It has some problem with PF. I've replace mine a long time ago.

Should I try updating to OpenBSD-4.7?




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