On 24/05/2010 11:44, Jozsi Vadkan wrote:
> I want to use a secure web server on OpenBSD.
> It would serve only static html filest, no cgi, no php, etc.
> It just have to be secure, no need to be fast, just secure [only using
> it with https].
> What would be the best web server software?
> nginx?
> apache?
> lighthttpd?
> Thank you for any proposals.
> Have a nice day!

Handily, there happens to be just such a web server that comes as part
of the standard OpenBSD install. Secure, chrooted, supports SSL, sane
defaults out of the box. See man httpd(8), or take a look at

http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq10.html#HTTPS will also help, and deals
specifically with setting up an SSL-enabled server.

As a side note, might I humbly recommend that in future a certain amount
of Googling, or even just browsing around the FAQ by hand, might bring
better results than just asking this list, which generally prefers to
focus on more complex issues, ie ones not already well-documented in the
man pages, the FAQ, and answered repeatedly in the archives of this list.




Yes, I know, I've just defeated my own argument by giving him his
answers on a platter, and thus reinforcing said behaviour, but what the
hell, its a nice sunny day here in Coventry. I'm in a good mood :-)

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