
 Are you in support of Arizona and its Laws?

How about BUYcotting Arizona? DO NOT mistake this for a boycott!

 We are running a website  and would
appreciate your participation as we will be creating a budget for a
distinctive ONE TIME mailing directly to travel agents throughout the USA
over 5,000 copies.  This additionally to the 60,000 we will print,
distribution date 7/1/2010.  

Businesses can create a free listing or enhance their listing for as
little as $29. Individuals are invited to post their comments and support
on the “Voice Your Opinions” page.

Links below you will see to the degree that we are appreciated as
well....with other links to more info as needed.

Current copy

We are also growing exponentially with our Facebook account. Our
“friends,” adding 100 weekly who look forward to our event notices every
other day, for the same reason they pick the paper up, and keep it. With
a click of a mouse an announcement can go out to our 2800 ish friends,
and still growing.

Lets us submit your events/offerings to thousands of our friends AZ
Tourist Friends...

Warm Regards,

Tony Venuti

Publisher  AZ Tourist News


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