Thanks for the reply IC1igo.  I can't test it until Monday when I get
back in the office; I will surely let you know then.


On Jun 6, 2010, at 7:10 AM, IC1igo Ortiz de Urbina <>

Did this fix the issue?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Devin Reade <>
Date: Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 4:38 AM
Subject: Re: No SSH on External Interfaces After pf.conf Rewrite for
Load  Balancing Outgoing Traffic
To: Misc OpenBSD <>

dontek <> wrote:

In rewriting the ruleset I've
had no problems with connectivity with the exception of getting an
connection to the firewall to work on either of the two external
pass log quick on $EXT_IF_1 inet proto tcp from any to ($EXT_IF_1)
port ssh keep state
pass log quick on $EXT_IF_2 inet proto tcp from any to ($EXT_IF_2)
port ssh keep state

Use reply-to for your ssh rules:

pass log quick on $EXT_IF_1 inet proto tcp from any to ($EXT_IF_1)
port ssh keep state reply-to ($EXT_IF_1 $EXT_GATE_1)

(And for the 2nd one, too)


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