On 2010-07-01, Claudiu Pruna <clau...@net-go.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-06-30 at 16:21 -0600, Alexander Hall wrote:
>> On 06/30/10 14:58, Claudiu Pruna wrote:
>> >    Hi there,
>> > 
>> >    I have a question if I have one box running OpenBSD 4.7 and everytime I
>> > do md5 on one file I get different results, who is more succeptible to
>> > be broken ? cpu ? ram ? or mb. ?
>> > 
>> > Thanks for your thoughts.
>> If your system is indeed this corrupt I am surprised it will run at all.
>> Please show the actual command that produces this.
>> /Alexander
> the command is md5 file.iso and every run it gives another result.
> Claudiu

Pretty much anything could be broken. RAM, power supply, motherboard,
disk drive, CPU, cables, ....

As a first step if you don't have spares to swap the various parts
out (and assuming you want to spend the time to try and keep the system
running), you could try reseating all connectors, clean RAM contacts
with a pencil eraser, visually inspect the boards looking for swollen
capacitors, etc...

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