
I just upgraded to the very latest snapshot(9.7. 1:50) on i386. Now my system does not boot anymore. The only thing I get is:

Using drive 0, partition 3.
[cursor sits here]

As I understand the boot process, the PBR boot loader has found /boot, verified the magic number and handed control over to the code loaded from /boot.

I already booted the latest bsd.rd via pxeboot and did the following:

# fdisk -u wd0
# mount /dev/wd0a /mnt
# /mnt/mdec/installboot -v /mnt/boot /usr/mdev/biosboot wd0

this did not change anything. Same symptoms as before. Next thing I'll try is to boot normal bsd kernel via pxeboot and do installboot again from there.

To me this looks like /boot is broken. Has anyone else this problem?



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