frantisek holop wrote:
> my "whining", is a comparison of experiences with others,
> questions if someone can reproduce a particular problem
> i am having, whether it is considered a problem at all,
> and so on.  a practice i thought about as the first step
> of bug reporting and as such a perfectly valid subject
> for a mailing list of this type.  me and my assumptions.
The responses to your whining indicate otherwise.

> i dont understand why some people take problems reported
> so personally, as if a personal attack, and/or also
> interpreting it as a demand for an instant fix or
> i dont know what.  it is not, wake up please.
Methinks you misinterpret who is being attacked.
According to your interpretation, what was your purpose,
if any, in your postings?

> as for "go read the sources" every time there is a problem,
> even the developers are not familiar on the source level
> with every single part of the kernel and the system.
> they will go and ask the guy who knows it the best.
> i dont get it why is it expected of us, the users.
However those developers are not only capable of reading some
of the source, they have WRITTEN some of it.

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