Stefan Sperling <> wrote:

> Log message:

> Install the en_US.UTF-8 ctype locale support file, and allow the UTF-8
> ctype locale to be enabled via setlocale(3) (export LC_CTYPE='en_US.UTF-8').
> A lot of programs, especially from ports, will now start using UTF-8 if the
> UTF-8 locale is enabled. Use at your own risk, and please report any breakage.
> Note that ncurses-based programs cannot display UTF-8 right now, this is being
> worked on.

Some stuff that works:

== xterm ==

If you start xterm with LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 set, it will come up
in UTF-8 mode.  Apart from displaying UTF-8 encoded text, it will
also allow you to enter such text.  Keysyms are translated, e.g.
if you use a German, Swedish, etc. keymap with <adiaeresis>, that
key will produce the byte sequence 0xC4 0xA4 in xterm.

If you have a compose key (<Multi_key> in X11 terms), you can enter
_a lot_ of characters with compose sequences.  For instance, you
can use
$ setxkbmap -option compose:ralt
to configure the right Alt key as compose.

Compose sequences work by pressing (and releasing) the compose key
and then two or three other keys that get combined into a single
character, e.g.:
  <'><e>  e with acute (French etc.)
  <c><r>  r with caron (Czech)
  </><l>  l with stroke (Polish)
Some combinations are fairly intuitive, some are not.  The complete
list of supported sequences is here:

If you have been using a compose key for ISO 8859-X input all along,
note that the UTF-8 sequences can be different, and in particular
the order is important, e.g. it is always <'><e> now and <e><'>
is not accepted.

== GTK2 ==

The default GTK2 input method provides its own compose key processing,
which already worked without UTF-8 locale.  However, GTK2's compose
sequences diverge from the X11 ones, and if you find that as confusing
as I do, you can disable GTK2's own compose handling and use the
X11 one by setting GTK_IM_MODULE=xim in the environment.  That
didn't work before, but now does.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                

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