On 29 July 2010 12:15, Kevin Chadwick <ma1l1i...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>> > You mean not everyone speaks enough latin to know the difference
>> > between "exempli gratia" and "id est"? What is modern education
>> > coming to.
>> Well, here, in Russia, while English/German/French are more or less
>> popular in the schools, Latin is being learned by specialists only
>> (medicians, historians etc.) almost. And it's the way it is for about a
>> century, if not more.
> I think historians and excavators are just about the only people that
> should learn latin. It's also used most often by stupid people in an
> attempt to sound cleverer than they are and dumbfound others needlessly
> (lawyers and html editors for example). I can see an argument for cross
> country dialect (maybe medicine) but there's certainly enough english
> words for everything.

thanks to the history of anatomy, all of that subject is in Latin
gluteus maximus, flexor digitorum superficialis, trapezius, cerebrum,
corpus callosum, &c

don't think you are going to get medics to change the nomenclature anytime soon


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