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On 08/08/2010 02:22 PM, Dmitrij D. Czarkoff wrote:
> aaron lewis <aaron.lewis1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think i should put a limit via sysctl  , right ?
> Hmm... Limit what? You want to limit X_ACCEL and Y_ACCEL? I'm not quite sure
> about that being possible.
> As far as I understand, this feature is a kind of anti-theft protection.

Nope , it's a internal hdd protection system , see here:

> What do You want to get from this feature? If You want to know the movement of
> Your laptop You might be interested in writing some daemon (script?) that
> polls the state of X_ACCEL and Y_ACCEL and mails You some helpful data if
> values exceeded something. Still, useful report would need some instant mean
> of communication (e.g. WiMax or cellular connection) and some means of
> position tracking (GPS?). Do You have those undetachable?

At first , I thought BSD has a pre-installed daemon for this , just need
me to enable it , i was wrong.

So i turned to the source code of hdapsd , but it's for linux only ( i
thought it's a script at first glance , while it's not ) , i'm now
trying to port it to OpenBSD ;-)

- -- 
Best Regards,
Aaron Lewis - PGP: 0x4A6D32A0
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