I can imagine universal OpenBSD VIM settings for programming as a
standard for local Vim programmers. It will make easier so many
things. We should write down all ideas. Key task is to share
experiences during programming with Vim.

It looks like that many developers use cscope, ctags, taglist during
I use SnipMate for code completion at the moment, because c.vim is
quite complex for me. You need to put big effort to get things work
like you want to if you're not vim expert. I suggest to stick to the
minimalism. We can collect most favourite code snippets and put them
together in universal snipmate config with practical documentation for
other useful settings. There is no need to read 100pages of manual to
become efficient. From a practical point of view you always forget
many things and use only a few key features because you don't have
time to read the whole manual and test all things. I don't want this.
We should put some effort to make it practical and easy from

What do think about my suggestion?

2010/8/8 IC1igo Ortiz de Urbina <inigoortizdeurb...@gmail.com>:
> I'd love to see such a document available. Depending on the scope of
> this documentation effort, it could even be bundled as a package.
> On 8/8/10, Tomas Vavrys <vav...@cleancode.cz> wrote:
>> It would be great if anybody could share whole .vim/ && .vimrc. I
>> could write OpenBSD Vim C Programming manual once and for all.
>> 2010/8/8 Darrin Chandler <dwchand...@stilyagin.com>:
>>> On Sun, Aug 08, 2010 at 04:39:56PM +0200, Tomas Vavrys wrote:
>>>> Does any developer use c.vim plugin? I can't get it working properly
>>>> according to STYLE(9). I would appreciate your settings. What other
>>>> Vim plugins do you use?
>>> I have this in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/c.vim:
>>> set cinoptions=t0,+4,(4,u4,w1
>>> set shiftwidth=8
>>> set softtabstop=8
>>> let c_space_errors=1
>>> That gets me somewhat close. Anyone want to share other ways or
>>> refinements?
>>> --
>>> Darrin Chandler B B B B B B B B B B B | B Phoenix BSD User Group B | B
>>> dwchand...@stilyagin.com B B | B http://phxbug.org/ B B B B B |
>> B http://metabug.org/
>>> http://www.stilyagin.com/ B | B Daemons in the Desert B B | B Global BUG
>> Federation

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