A lot of people has sent me their opinions or questions. Let's make it
clear. I don't want to do it Wiki-like, rather plain html page. It can
become manual page who knows... You can still help just by sending an

My goals are:

1) "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler."
- Plain HTML page, easy to manage plugins, be able to get to work
almost immediately and become instantly efficient

2) STYLE(9) will be our bible

3) Standardization
I would like to discuss hotkey's and abbreviation's names, settings
which prefer more people and I also want to make basic settings as a
standard for OpenBSD programmers. (It'll be a very hard task.)

4) SnipMate snippets
SnipMate offers code snippets not only for C language, but I am going
to focus on C programming. SnipMate is easy to handle and I can create
some snippets according to STYLE(9) for start. Time will show what is
missing etc.

5) Other plugins
- C reference Manual, Cscope

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