Will someone warn me 2 minutes before Theo gets back?  I'd like to
have some popcorn ready.   :-)

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Bob Beck <b...@ualberta.ca> wrote:
>> Well, tinyurl redirects to my box which redirects to trollaxer.  Here is
>> the culprit log for falling for such a silly trick.
>> - - [15/Aug/2010:19:13:12 -0400] "GET /why.html HTTP/1.1"
>> 200 136 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; OpenBSD i386; en-US; rv:
>> Gecko/2009070118 Firefox/3.0.11"
>> # host kd85.com
>> kd85.com has address
>> # cat why.html
>> <html>
>> <head>
>>        <meta http-equiv="refresh"
>> content="0;url=http://www.trollaxor.com/2010/06/why-i-left-openbsd.html";
>> </head>
>> </html>
> Nicely done David - I'm very impressed - as you know I mentioned
> before this on hackers that this sounded very kd85 like - and you
> confirmed my suspicions very effectively.
> Any time I see someone talking about "commit bits" I think of this and
> laugh - as this is someone who has never done a commit to OpenBSD.
> The lies in the message that was sent are pretty good to - Were we in
> the middle of a release cycle - were people cranky? Yes, absolutely -
> you know what - sane people have disagreements - all the time.
> however.
> Machines were not turned off.
> Everyone still had access to what they were doing
> Was the tree locked? yes - as problems have been found in test and
> need to be fixed. It's still locked - but we'll ship a good release
> for that.
> The priceless one is how the wim calls for a "vote" - yeah - that
> works real well for netbsd.
> and is also signing his messages "H" and "R" to decieve  people as to
> the real identity and to foster suspicion within the community I find
> that particularly reprehensible - but not surprising. Nothing could
> surpirse me from this source anymore. I get the impression that this
> sort of behaviour is normal from Wim - it seems to make the same
> amount of sense as kd85's normal business practices - Sorry I can't go
> along with that. I pay my taxes, and I pay for my own house with my
> own money.  I encourage Wim to fork his own project that will be run
> and funded fully, and openly, and accountable to all involved. I'm
> sure it will be a resounding success.

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