
I did't manage to resolve my issue. On all members of bridge0, except
sis0 (so sis1, sis2, sis3) I cannot use dhcp (Ethernet broadcast).

You can find my pcap files, which I mentioned in my previous email at
location ref#1. I've also uploaded there `ifconfig -A' output of that
router. My all emails are at ref#2 if you need to re-read what I've
wrote before in this thread.

OpenBSD 4.8 (GENERIC) #136: Mon Aug 16 09:06:23 MDT 2010

 1. http://www.kucharski.name/pub/openbsd/pcap-files/
 2. http://marc.info/?t=128088037100001&r=1&w=2

On Fri, Aug 06, 2010 at 04:11:10PM +0100, Mikolaj Kucharski wrote:
> I did some more research. I don't think I find something useful. I'm
> attaching pcap files from each interface when Ethernet broadcast is
> working and the it stop to work. You can see arp who has messages, they
> also stop to work around 14:18:24.
> I think the whole problem is because of 00:e0:4c:4c:40:91 machine which
> sends arp who-has every two seconds, if I unplug this machine from
> switch everything is working fine (I'm not able to break the bridge).
> If someone is interested in more details about this strange bug please
> contact me off the list.
> On Fri, Aug 06, 2010 at 01:34:05AM +0100, Mikolaj Kucharski wrote:
> > No, sorry, false alarm. It stopped to work again. After rebooting one of
> > the virtual machines none of the machines on the bridge (when using
> > Ethernet broadcast) is able to get the lease again. You can get lease
> > only when you plug the calbe where the dhcpd(8) is running (on sis0).
> > 
> > Fedora, the vm host, is bridging VMs with physical network card.
> > 
> > 
> > openbsd [ bridge0 ( sis0 sis1 sis2 sis3 ) ] --- cable from sis3 to switch 
> > --|
> > fedora [ virbr0 ( eth0 vnet0 ) ] -------- ecable from eth0 to switch 
> > -------|
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I'm puzzled with that, don't even know how to troubleshoot this. Any one
> > is willing to help me? :/
> > 
> > 
> > OpenBSD 4.8-beta (GENERIC) #87: Wed Aug  4 20:16:06 MDT 2010
> >     dera...@i386.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/GENERIC
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > References
> >  1. http://marc.info/?l=openbsd-misc&m=128088020301868&w=2

best regards

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