Hello everybody!

I recently installed tmux on my system because of some nice features it
offers in comparison to screen.

Although I find it to be a very useful tool, I ran into two problems
that I find quite annoying:

*) I have 'set-option -g bell-action any' in my config file. However,
when a bell character is sent to the current window, nothing happens.
E.g., when I issue the shell command 'echo ^G' no bell is heard. 
But if I issue the command 'sleep 5; echo ^G', then switch to a different
window before the sleep command ends, the bell is heard. The same
applies to the irssi IRC client. A bell is only heard if I am in a
different window. It sounds strange to me why tmux would mess with my
terminal bell.

*) A second problem I ran into: The monitor-activity command only seems
to change the status line, and not ring a bell. Can this be changed?
'screen' used to beep whenever there was activity in a monitored window.

I am using tmux 1.3 on a FreeBSD (sorry ;-)) system. A colleague of mine
who is using it on Linux ran into exactly the same problem.

Thank you very much for any help!
Best regards,

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