
On Mon, 06.09.2010 at 11:18:57 +1000, Olivier Mehani <sht...@ssji.net> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 05, 2010 at 03:49:43PM -0400, Simon Comeau Martel wrote:
> > > You received a /64 for your router interface ?  Or are you in a /64
> > > subnet with other customers ?  The setup sounds weird to me.  To what
> > > address is your ISP forwarding that /56 ?
> > Yeah, it's a bit strange. But it's their IPv6 beta; very few customers are
> > in it right now. I guess they won't give so much address space in the long
> > run.
> Well, supposedly, end-users should receive /48s from their ISPs [0].

the rules seem to have changed in the meantime, at least in Europe:


Kind regards,

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