On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 08:20:30PM -0600, Andy Bradford wrote:
> Thus said Claudio Jeker on Fri, 10 Sep 2010 21:36:16 +0200:
> > Because  on busy  servers you  need to  queue quite  a few  packets to
> > handle bursts.
> I  was under  the impression  that UDP  is connectionless  and therefore
> does  not behave  the  same as  a  TCP connection.  I  would guess  that
> send/recvspace for  UDP relates somehow to  the size of a  UDP datagram,
> and that even if  these UDP datagrams came in bursts,  they would not be
> part of the same send/recvspace. Please  correct me if I'm wrong as this
> is something  I've been confused about.  Is there possibly some  kind of
> abstraction  that treats  UDP  as connection  oriented  with respect  to
> send/recvspace?

The send/recvspace is for one socket. So for the listening socket all
lookup requests end up on the same socket and so on the same recvspace.

> After   digging  around   a  bit   more   I  found   the  following   in
> /usr/src/sys/netinet/udp_usrreq.c which suggests that at least sendspace
> is merely the datagram size:
> u_int   udp_sendspace = 9216;           /* really max datagram size */
> u_int   udp_recvspace = 40 * (1024 + sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
>                                         /* 40 1K datagrams */

Yes, the comments are correct.

> Even if in general all UDP datagrams from the same IP:PORT-IP:PORT combo
> go into  the same  recvspace, DNS  does not normally  use more  than one
> packet for  a response, and other  responses will not match  due to port
> randomization. Even with  DNSSEC and EDNS0, should the default  of 40 1K
> datagrams be sufficient to handle DNS packets?

Wrong UDP is normaly not a fully defined 4 touple. Especially the
listening sockets (on port 53) can be slammed with packets.
On the other hand, if the recvbuffer overflows then packets just get
dropped. The sendto() ENOBUFS errors that got mentioned have a different
cause (in most cases the interface send queue is overflowed).

> It's  entirely  possible  that   I  have  completely  misunderstood  how
> recvspace relates to connections (I  haven't yet found a good exposition
> of this  anywhere). Is  recvspace per  UDP/TCP connection  or more  of a
> generic space for TCP/UDP packets, regardless of connection?

The recv/send space is per socket. For TCP it is the same as a connection.
UDP has no connections so all packets that you receive on that socket
share the recvspace.

:wq Claudio

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