2010/9/13 Bret S. Lambert <bret.lamb...@gmail.com>:
> yes, because you've soaked up all the memory that's available for
> handling incoming/outgoing network traffic; you've got a bunch of
> processes that try to grab a limited number of resources, fail to
> get all they need, and sleep while holding already-allocated mbufs,
> meaning that nobody else can get them, and none of your processes
> can advance.

yes, I understand. but kernel must resolve this situation somehow. Isn't it?

> That said, the pool_get that's failing in the re driver is set as
> non-blocking, so it should fail. However, it's hard to see how
> you're tickling this without seeing the source that you're running,
> since we don't know how you're cornholing the network stack.

oh, here is the source http://gist.github.com/576851
it is rather ugly, collected from pieces of another programs. my
english is bad so I cut out my comments.
I need the instrument to do a brief test of server under load. so this
"penetrator" was planned as simply (yes, ugly but...) and quickly
created instrument.

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