Thus said Pete Vickers on Mon, 13 Sep 2010 16:32:08 +0200:

> r...@container ~> tail /etc/ssh/sshd_config
> # all non-wheel users should be chrooted to home and sftp only
> #
> Match Group !wheel
> ForceCommand internal-sftp
> ChrootDirectory /home
> AllowTcpForwarding no
> X11Forwarding no

The  first problem  is your  Match command.  The documentation  seems to
indicate  that the  negation  character `!'  is  only to  be  used in  a
pattern-list which is defined as ``a comma-separated list of patterns.''
I suspect  that your Match pattern  is not working correctly.  Try Match
User pete and see if it succeeds as you expect. Probably what you should
do is create a special chroot group  and add all the users that you want
to impose this upon to that group.

The  second  problem is  that  your  ChrootDirectory is  not  structured
properly. When authentication happens, it  will chroot there and then it
will attempt to  change directory to the users  home directory, however,
you haven't indicated whether or not you created one:


Without  this structure,  when  the  chroot happens,  the  user will  be
chroot'ed to /home and  then will have to do his own cd  to pete and all
user directories will be found in /.


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