
I have a cluster of two pf firewalls running 4.8-current (GENERIC.MP)
#382, using rdr-to to loadbalance traffic to some web servers. I have to
keep a trace of packets and bytes each server get. I tried to
enable counters on the table I use for my redirect rule but this does
not work, is this normal ? Is there another way to achieve this ?

Relevant part of pf.conf :

table <servers> counters { ipA ipB ipC }
pass in quick proto tcp to $web_carp port 80 rdr-to <servers> port 80

# pfctl -vvsT
--a-r-C servers
        Addresses:   10
        Cleared:     Mon Sep 13 17:30:41 2010
        References:  [ Anchors: 0                  Rules: 1                  ]
        Evaluations: [ NoMatch: 0                  Match: 12538461           ]
        In/Block:    [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        In/Pass:     [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        In/XPass:    [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        Out/Block:   [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        Out/Pass:    [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
        Out/XPass:   [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]

Counters works fine on out rules, though.

Unrelated but while I am on it, does someone have a working
master/master setup ? When I change my hostname.carp* files to set
carpnodes instead of vhid/advskew only one firewall seems to work, 50%
of the traffic goes to /dev/null. Everything works fine with only one
firewall up, or with both firewalls in master/slave mode.

fwA: vhid 1 -> carpnodes 1:0,2:100
fwB: vhid 2 advskew 100 -> carpnodes 1:100,2:0

Tried all balancing ip modes to no avail.

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