On a reasonably -current/i386 NFS server,
and a reasonably -current/i386 NFS client,
I experience the following

If the client mounts a NFS export, and then explicitly umounts it,
the showmount utility (run against the server) shows that there
are no clients using the export.

client# /mount server:/mnt /mnt
client# showmount server
Hosts on server:

client# /mount /mnt
client# showmount server
Hosts on server:

However, when the client just shuts down,
the NFS mount is somehow not correctly umounted.

client# /mount server:/mnt /mnt
client# shutdown -h -p now

elsewhere$ showmount server
Hosts on server:

I understand that the shutdown procedure umounts all local filesystems.
Is it also supposed to correctly umount the NFS mounts?  Or should
I take care of that in rc.shutdown? A simple 'umount -a -t nfs'
in rc.shutdown seems to have fixed it.

        Thank you for your time


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