On Mon, 4 Oct 2010, Clint Pachl wrote:

> In the KDC log file, I get the following errors:
> 2010-10-04T02:40:11 TGS-REQ pa...@mokaz.com from IPv4: for
> afs/ualberta...@mokaz.com
> 2010-10-04T02:40:11 Server not found in database: afs/ualberta...@mokaz.com:
> No such entry in the database
> 2010-10-04T02:40:11 TGS-REQ pa...@mokaz.com from IPv4: for
> krbtgt/ualberta...@mokaz.com
> 2010-10-04T02:40:11 Server not found in database:
> krbtgt/ualberta...@mokaz.com: No such entry in the database
> Why am I getting these errors? Are they compiled in?
> How do I quiet this?
> For clients, all of my Kerberos settings are in DNS; there is no krb5.conf.
> Here is krb5.conf on the Kerberos server:

Try adding the following into your krb5.conf:

        kinit = {
                afslog = no

Or comment the entry in /etc/afs/ThisCell.


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