On Thu, Oct 07, 2010 at 10:27:43AM +0200, Guillaume Duali wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Oct 2010 06:02:10 +0200, Tomas Bodzar
> <tomas.bod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 4.8 is closed for a quite long time. Support can start only in current
> > so 4.9 is nearest possible release which will support your HW ;-)
> Ho ok ^^
> So, what must I do ? Wait that 4.8 go out officially and try with
> "-current 4.9" when it will be available ?

-current, as you can get from CVS today, is already past 4.8 and will
become 4.9 at some point.


TFMotD: form_post (3) - write or erase forms from associated subwindows

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