Hi All,

I'm wondering how I could configure scsi I/O timeout in OpenBSD.
I need to fiddle around with that since I'm using OpenBSD at work in some heavy (over)loaded ESX vmware cluster. From to time to the disk backend may response really slow. A stock linux would remount the filesystem read/only, whereas my OpenBSD 4.7 boxes just paniced. (And Solaris 10 just kept on running. Probably some really high scsi i/o timeouts as default).

In FreeBSD the sysctl kern.cam.da.default_timeout seems to do the trick. On Linux it's /sys/block/*/device/timeout.

Is there an equivilant in OpenBSD? I couldn't find anything while searching the misc@ archives (using gmane.org).

thanks in advance,

PS.: please keep me CC'd, I'm not subscribed.

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