On Sat, 23 Oct 2010 19:25:22 +0700, Tony Sarendal <t...@polarcap.org> wrote:

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 2:05 PM, Insan Praja SW <insan.pr...@gmail.com>wrote:

Hi Tony,

On Sat, 23 Oct 2010 18:44:46 +0700, Tony Sarendal <t...@polarcap.org>

Is there a way to redistribute routes from BGP to OSPF using bgpd and ospfd

on bgpd.conf you might want to do this:

match from $peer1 inet prefix xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/xx prefixlen bla_bla set
rtlabel from_bgpd

on ospfd.conf you do this:

redistribute rtlabel from_bgpd

I have a network where the core concists of openbsd devices using bgpd to
routing information. At present we need to use static routing if we
devices that
do not support BGP.

Regards Tony

Good Luck,

I was considering an approach like that, but the bgpd man page suggests that
it wouldnt work.

     AS path attributes can be modified with set.
set can be used on network statements, in neighbor or group blocks, and
     on filter rules.  Attribute sets can be expressed as lists.
     The following attributes can be modified:
     rtlabel label
Add the prefix with the specified label to the kernel routing

Is this an error in the page or me reading it wrong ?
If this works as expected, is this the recommended way of doing it ?

Regards Tony

well, bgpd stores the prefixes with label to kernel, and ospfd read this label from kernel, and distribute them.
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