+1 Very well put Daniel

On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 3:30 PM, Daniel Ouellet <dan...@presscom.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> Many things got me to want to write a quick thank you note to the devs for
> a long time and as many things goes, times fly and sadly I keep putting it
> off.
> But, I guess some of the very disgraceful emails one misc@ lately
> including some totally off topics f*cked up one about OpenBSD being no free,
> or to expensive just show how totally disconnected to this community way to
> many loooooooosers are on misc@ these days urge me to take the time and do
> it!
> So, this is just a simple and quick note to thanks ALL the
> "***developers***!!!" for a great OS and constantly improvements done each
> day with the inclusion/improvement/addition and development of BSD license
> applications included in base, as well as REMOVAL/CLEANUP of really
> bulky/old one.
> No one SADLY really thank you for your TIME YOU so gracefully give to the
> project and that we get the advantage and benefit to be able to use and
> sadly looks like you are most of the time on the bad disgraceful receiving
> end!
> YOU give us YOUR time, YOUR brain, YOUR ideas and WE get the benefit of
> YOUR HARD WORK as well that YOU so willingly share so OPENLY with ALL the
> community.
> Just as an example, (I only pick the latest one, so forgive me for it) but
> yet still an other HUGE chunk of code was removed in the last few days
> "*grof" stuff and that's not the only one so don't take it as ONLY that
> please.
> But just that is yet one HUGE chunk of cleaned up code and it's amazing to
> see and follow source-chan...@cvs.openbsd.org and constantly see not only
> new great things constantly added, but a FANATIC attention to getting things
> secure, clean and correct each day as well as REMOVAL as well of old stuff
> including and not limited to old GPL stuff that clearly show YOUR total
> dedication to your beliefs!
> I don't want to take more of YOUR time as there is WAY to much to be
> thankful for and the list is WAY to long to put here! Even if I could, I
> would for sure forget some or someone and that's the last thing I really
> want to do is forget even a single developer effort and time gratfully givin
> to the community like YOU do each and every day!
> There is no words to really express the satisfaction and gratitude for the
> best OS ever made and second to none!
> I am sure you had built a thick skins over the years from comments on misc@,
> but just know that NOT all users on misc@ are total loooooosers!
> There is more then you might know that very much appreciate your work and
> gifts! Sadly it's the quiet one that really appreciate it I suppose!
> Best regards to your all and long live OpenBSD!
> Daniel
> PS: All others misc@ followers, don't forget 4.8 will be officially
> release on November 1, so go get your CD and show your support as well!

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