
I want to use LDAP to store postfix, apache and dovecot users.
This sounds a quite simple need so I plan to use the native ldapd.

I have installed "4.8 GENERIC.MP#335 amd64" and configured ldapd as follow:
#       $OpenBSD: ldapd.conf,v 1.2 2010/06/29 02:50:22 martinh Exp $

schema "/etc/ldap/core.schema"
schema "/etc/ldap/inetorgperson.schema"
schema "/etc/ldap/nis.schema"
schema "/etc/ldap/courier.schema"

listen on lo0
listen on lo0 ldaps certificate ldapd
listen on em0
listen on em0 ldaps certificate ldapd
listen on "/var/run/ldapi"

namespace "dc=tumfatig,dc=local" {
        rootdn          "cn=admin,dc=tumfatig,dc=local"
        rootpw          "xxx"
        index           sn
        index           givenName
        index           cn
        index           mail

Then I created a self-signed certificate in /etc/ldap/ using directions from
The ldapd starts and listens to ldap and ldaps ports.
But when I run: # ldapmodify -x -H ldaps://ldapd.tumfatig.local -D
"cn=admin,dc=tumfatig,dc=local" -W -f /tmp/tumfatig
I get: "additional info: error:14090086:SSL
routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed"
The ldapd (in debug mode) says: "SSL library error: ssl_session_accept:
error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca"

Can I use ldapd with self-signed certificate ?
Did I miss a step ?

Thanks for your help.

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