On 2010-11-13, Nick <open...@acrasis.net> wrote:
> This .xmobarrc
>    Config {
>       font = "xft:Sans-8:bold",
>       bgColor = "black",
>       fgColor = "grey",
>       position = Top,
>       lowerOnStart = False,
>       commands = [
>          Run Cpu ["-L","3","-H","50","--normal","green","--high","red"] 10,
>          Run Date "%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M:%S" "date" 10,
>          Run StdinReader
>       ],
>       sepChar = "%",
>       alignSep = "}{",
>       template = "%cpu% } %StdinReader% { <fc=#ee9a00>%date%</fc> "
>    }
> works on Debian 'squeeze' but on OpenBSD 4.8 i386 produces
>    xmobar: /home/nick/.xmobarrc: configuration file contains errors at:
>    "Config" (line 11, column 6):
>    error reading the commands: this usually means that a command could
>    not be parsed.
>    The error could be located at the begining of the command which
>    follows the offending one. field: [
>          Run Cpu ["-L","3","-H","50","--normal","green","--high","red"] 10,
>          Run Date "%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M:%S" "date" 10,
>          Run StdinReader]
> It does work if I remove use of the 'Cpu' plugin.  Help?

the CPU module is disabled on OpenBSD since the implementation is Linux
specific. Actually among the Monitor modules only Battery works at the
I don't know how to access CPU load information on OpenBSD so I would
have to dig the API documentation and I really don't have the time at
the moment.
However you can probably hack around it by running an external script using
the "Run Com" or "PipeReader" commands.

Best regards,

Worse is better
    Richard P. Gabriel

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