On 14 November 2010 20:06, Constantine A. Murenin <muren...@gmail.com>wrote:

> indicator is not a smart sensor  doesn't have a state like OK  so
> it's never monitored automatically; i think you'd have to specify low
> and high values for it or something like that.
> You can also use a shell script for watthour3 thing, where you can
> manually run sysctl and see what the value of the indicator is, then
> decide whether to shutdown or not.  Also, specifying an extra low
> value will get you the extra command execution if you need one.

Ah; thanks for your reply!  I think I was expecting the wrong thing from
sensorsd -- thanks for shedding light on what's going on.  I'll use a shell
script command on watthour3 to check the other vals through sysctl directly,
as you suggest.

I wish that hw.sensors.acpibat0.raw0 changed state from OK to something else
when it was discharging. I wonder why this isn't the case: CHARGING,
DISCHARGING, IDLE would be great additions I think.  Maybe it's done the way
it is for good reason.



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