> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-m...@openbsd.org [mailto:owner-m...@openbsd.org] On Behalf
> Stuart Henderson
> Subject: Re: ESXi client / NFS server performance
> On 2010-11-14, Steven Surdock <ssurd...@engineered-net.com> wrote:
> > where my problem lies.  Any pointers would be appreciated.
> When I ran ESXi 3.5 I found i/o was painfully slow, even with local
> (and NFS performance with an OpenBSD server was appalling).
> In general i/o performance in ESXi 4.1 seems a lot better, but I
> tried it with OpenBSD as NFS server yet.

Thanks.  I've performed some other testing and found other clients work
acceptably, so I'll assume it's an ESXi issue.  Iperf tops out at 300
Mbps on my network, which sucks but it's better than the 50 Mbps NFS was
doing.  I'll try upgrading to 4.1 this weekend and see if that helps.

-Steve S.

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