On 2010-11-18, RLW <seran...@o2.pl> wrote:
> W dniu 2010-11-18 17:41, Claudio Jeker pisze:
>> No the problem is altq. Altq(4) was written when 100Mbps was common and
>> people shaped traffic in the low megabit range. It seems to hit a wall when
>> doing hundreds of megabits. Guess someone needs to run a profiling kernel
>> and see where all that time is spent and then optimize altq(4).
> Its nice to hear from OpenBSD developer on this matter.
> I am wondering who is gonna be that "someone"? ;) and when it could happen?

The "someone" running a profiling kernel to identify the hot spots could be you.

cd /sys/arch/<arch>/config
config -p <kernelname>
build a kernel from the ../compile/<kernelname>.PROF directory in the usual way
kgmon -b to start profiling
(generate some traffic)
kgmon -h to stop profiling
kgmon -p to dump stats
gprof /bsd gmon.out to read stats...

Assuming you're interested in routed traffic (rather than queuing traffic
generated on a box itself), make sure you run the traffic source and sink
on other machines routing through the altq box, don't source/sink traffic
on the altq box itself.

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