
I have some neighbor that is flapping since long day (looking at logs since I
have some issues about 4.8 openbsd, that seems to be fixed).

Dec  1 16:49:05 core-3 bgpd[27061]: neighbor received
notification: error in OPEN message, unknown subcode 8

Any idea what it is ... And how to fix that ?

group Sfinx {
        local-address   194.68.129.xxx
        announce        all
        announce        IPv4    unicast
        announce        IPv6    none
        softreconfig    in      yes
        softreconfig    out     yes
        set     med 50
        set     localpref 5500
        depend          on      vlan2
        enforce neighbor-as     yes


        neighbor {
                remote-as 21409
                max-prefix 50 restart 60
                set community delete 21409:*



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