> UPS is so annoying. The UPS developer's guide is in a 9MB PDF file. When
> I open it with xpdf(1) I get a (1) page PDF that states I need to
> download the the latest Adobe crapware to view it.
> How can I get around this? Why does xpdf even abide?
> I tried the following gs(1) command hoping it would convert it, but
> failed with an unrecoverable error (I can paste the error output here if
> someone thinks it will be helpful):
> gs -dNOPAUSE -dSAFER -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=foo.pdf
> guide.pdf
> I also tried without the options, NOPAUSE, etc.
> Any suggestions?

This happens when there are multiple PDFs embedded in a single PDF file.
I remember reading a Ghostscript bug about this (could probably find it
again if I had the exact error message), but unfortunately Mupdf still
doesn't support it.

Standard Adobe Reader lets you view but not extract, even. I had to go
to a computer lab and use Acrobat on a Mac to pull out the individual
files. It's probably not a hard problem to solve, but I don't know of
any open-source programs that do this yet.

Anthony J. Bentley

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