On Dec 4, 2010, at 10:05 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:

>> On Dec 4, 2010, at 7:25 PM, Theo de Raadt wrote:
>>> If you don't know why I am sending this mail.. you are reading US
>>> managed news, and need to much much more informed....
>> It's in the US news.  Even the mainstream news on TV.  At least in Silicon
>> Valley. ;-)
> No, it isn't in the US news.

Didn't realize you kept such a close eye on the US news.

> The US news is all about the messenger, to distract you from reading
> the message.

No, not really.  The left and right coast is usually a little better about
covering news.  And when a high-tech company is involved, the US news in a
very heavy high-tech area will, and does, cover it.  More than just the
typical pablum on national TV.

> If you think it is in the US news, you have a long way to go.
> guardian.co.uk/world is the best place to read the *message*.

I didn't see anything on the guardian, or the BBC, that was new to me.
Granted, I also read /. and digg and others and they have a lot of pointers to
the Register, Guardian, etc., so maybe I read it there.  But I also read the
local newspapers, and they cover the local stuff pretty thoroughly.

But don't assume that because I live in the US, with it's godforsaken pile of
Jesusland citizens and Banking-industry controlled politicians, that I'm not


PS. Banking rules my ass.  Bankers do whatever the hell they want, anywhere in
the world.  Look at Iceland.  Paypal is evil.  Bankers are the devil

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