I agree I use openbsd for my home router but hang an access point off
of an Ethernet port for my wifi access.

On Tuesday, December 7, 2010, David Higgs <hig...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just assembled my ALIX 2d13, and had a similar discussion (check the
> archives). B But I had to make some compromises.
> 802.11n isn't supported by OpenBSD yet. B Period. B Simple consultation
> of the driver man pages would have noted that.
> I also believe that all drivers that support hostap also have
> difficulties with power-saving functionality (please correct me if I'm
> wrong!). B So unless you know that all of your wifi clients can disable
> this, you theoretically may have packet loss issues. B Read your
> chipset's man pages closely.
> To work around this issue, I picked up a cheap-o consumer wifi router
> to hang off one of the ethernet interfaces.
> --david
> On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 3:38 PM, Lists Account <li...@y42.org> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> First post to misc. I'd like to create an OpenBSD based router + wifi
>> access point. I thought I might buy myself one of these for Christmas:
>> B PC Engines ALIX 2D13: http://www.pcengines.ch/alix2d13.htm
>> That's a AMD Geode LX800 with on-board serial, Ethernet (3), USB and
>> miniPCI.
>> The same vendor also sells several compatible wireless cards e.g.
>> B Wistron DNMA92 Atheros 802.11a/b/g/n - Chipset: Atheros AR9220
>> B Compex WLM54SAG23 200mW Atheros 802.11a/b/g - Chipset: Atheros AR5414
>> I checked the 4.8 man pages and the faq (openbsd.org/faq/faq6.html) to
>> try to determine my best choice ...
>> Naturally I'd like to run 11n for the high speed and the 4.8 man page
>> for the athn driver says the newer 9220 chip _is_ supported. However the
>> list archives contain some remarks about it being supported only in
>> client "BBS" mode, not in AP (Access Point) mode.
>> The athn man page is not so clear on this, it mentions the existence of
>> BSS and AP modes, but is not explicit about exactly what modes are
>> supported by which chipsets.
>> The FAQ page indicates that the ath driver (i.e. the non - "n" driver)
>> does support AP mode.
>> But neither the ath or athn man pages mention the "older" AR5414 chip at
>> all :-(
>> Any suggestions on how to go forward here? Is the project feasible and
>> which of these components would be best?
>> From my perspective it would be useful if the information on the support
>> modes (BBS/AP) were to be added into the tables in those man pages that
>> already enumerate the supported chipsets/bus-interfaces/bands/channels.
>> Cheers,
>> Robb.
>> --
>> B  B  B  B +-----------------------------------------------------------+
>> B  B  B  B | B  B  B  B  B  "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
B |
>> B  B  B  B | Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched |
>> B  B  B  B | C-Beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All |
>> B  B  B  B | those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. B  |
>> B  B  B  B | Time to die." B -- Roy Batty, Nexus6, N6MAA10816, Combat B  |
>> B  B  B  B +-----------------------------------------------------------+

Josh Smith
email/jabber:  juice...@gmail.com
phone:  304.237.9369(c)

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