On Wed, 8 Dec 2010 09:23:49 +0100, LEVAI Daniel <l...@ecentrum.hu>
> Hi!
> I'm having this issue with an ext2fs filesystem on an external USB
> drive.
> I've created the partition/disklabel/filesystem with OpenBSD tools, and
> after mounting, and dd'ing /dev/zero onto the fs, it bails out at 2GiB:
> $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/hotplug/sd3i_FUJITSU/Downloads/testfile bs=4096
> dd: /mnt/hotplug/sd3i_FUJITSU/Downloads/testfile: File too large
> 524288+0 records in
> 524287+0 records out
> 2147479552 bytes transferred in 399.042 secs (5381579 bytes/sec)
> I don't remember having a 2GiB filesize limit anywhere near, but the old
> extfs. What am I missing here?
 Max file size  16 GB - 2 TB

So, check if your partition is really in ext2 and the size of this
And what is the physical size of your external drive ? :)

> Thanks,
> Daniel

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