On 09/12/10 22:20, James Hozier wrote:
My ISP refuses to modify any DNS settings and won't give me a static IP address 
 without a business account, so no proper reverse DNS. I don't have the 
resources to run my own nameservers, so what alternatives do I have in terms of 
running my own mailserver?

You'll probably want to use some free dns servers online (like freedns.afraid.org). Maybe another ISP might help in getting a static IP. I have a residential line, from a mostly-business ISP, who charges $250 for a symettric static-ip connection. It sucks, but I run lots of my own stuff at home.

On 09/12/10 22:37, Adam M. Dutko wrote:
I use a Linode VPS (~20 USD).  They give full root access and a bunch of
distributions to choose from (unfortunately no OpenBSD atm).  They also give
you the ability to manage your own host records via a web interface and a
cheap backup option.

ARP Networks DOES have OpenBSD VPS. I run my mail there. How secure it is, is still up to how trustworthy they are. Probably lots more that gmail.

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