On Tue, Feb 01, 2011 at 02:22:25PM +0530, Indunil Jayasooriya wrote:
> I have 3 web servers running on port 8080 behind PF firewall.  I am trying
> to load balance these incoming connections to these web servers.
> I wrote rules as below. Pls pay attention  to *highligthed BOLD* rules .
> they are the once I have written. But, I can NOT login to these web servers
> from the Internet.

> *match in on $ext_if inet proto tcp to $ext_if port 8080 rdr-to $web_servers
> \
>     round-robin sticky-address *

You need to pass the inbound traffic somehow (match doesn't do this).
Either change the 'match in' above to 'pass in', or add another rule
below like this:

        pass in on $ext_if inet proto tcp to $web_servers port 8080

> # filter rules
> block in log
> block out log

I think it's better you put this before the match rule(s).  If you don't
you'll have to use 'quick' on the pass rules I mentioned above.

> *pass out log on $int_if inet proto tcp from any to $web_servers port 8080 \
>    flags S/SA modulate state*

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