
I wanted to know what was the restriction on BPF devices and how to possibly
go around it. We are currently running a 4.8 GENERIC.MP system with 3
dhcrelay processes (and would need to run more very soon), along with ladvd
daemon for CDP and they are consuming pretty much all of the 10 BPF devices
that I have read the system gives by default.

#fstat|grep bpf
_dhcp    dhcrelay   20698    4 /           52709 crw-------  rw     bpf8
_dhcp    dhcrelay     448    4 /           52708 crw-------  rw     bpf7
_dhcp    dhcrelay   25248    4 /           52707 crw-------  rw     bpf6
root     ladvd      20897    9 /           52702 crw-------  rw     bpf1
root     ladvd      20897   10 /           52703 crw-------  rw     bpf2
root     ladvd      20897   11 /           52704 crw-------  rw     bpf3
root     ladvd      20897   12 /           52705 crw-------  rw     bpf4
root     ladvd      20897   13 /           52706 crw-------  rw     bpf5
root     ladvd      20897   14 /           52710 crw-------  rw     bpf9
_pflogd  pflogd      6391    3 /           52701 crw-------  rw     bpf0
root     pflogd      1561    3 /           52701 crw-------  rw     bpf0

Is there any way to increase that number and if so, would this be a bad
practice? If need be I can always stop ladvd, but ideally we'd rather have
it on.

Steve Johnson

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