I use OpenBSD 4.7 Release, with Sendmail MTA. 
All works fine, i can send and receive mails on the box.
But when spamd is enabled, mails take a long time(sometimes a day or less)
to arrive in our box. Sometimes, we don't receive mails.
Disabled (spamd), all works fine. I don't understand why it doesn't work
fine, i read spamd(8) man page.

What i have done to enable spamd, perhaps i'm wrong somewhere ...

In pf.conf, i added :
table <spamd-write> persist
table <nospamd> persist file "/etc/mail/nospamd"

pass in on egress proto tcp from any to any port smtp \
            rdr-to port spamd
pass in on egress proto tcp from <nospamd> to any port smtp
pass in on egress proto tcp from <spamd-white> to any port smtp

in my /etc/rc.conf.local :

enable spamd-setup in root crontab

Run spamd : /usr/libexec/spamd

verify : netstat -anf inet | grep LISTEN 
Listen on 8025 and 8026 ports

If someone can help me.
Thank you very much.

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