On Tue, Feb 08, 2011 at 10:22:19AM +0200, Mihai Popescu wrote:

> Hello Henning,
> I wasn't aware that I need permission to continue a thread.
> Excuse me for my missunderstanding, but think I'm not involved in the
> release and compile procedures. If you don't like to answer, please
> don't.
> As a matter of fact, most of list users preffer to joke and to write
> something else, usually off- topic. Like some of you want to cover
> something and move away from the real answer.
> Ok, no problem. I know I'm far from knowing about OpenBSD, but I'm
> trying. That's why I'm not polluting the other "technical" lists with
> my questions. So I jumped in misc, but I see now there are some "what
> to ask and what not to" rules. Didn't know until now there are tabu
> questions.
> You said sometimes a new kernel must be throw in for a quick test. Is
> it so time consuming to generate the sha256 for this new kernel, too ?

bsd.rd uses an embedded sha256 file, and so do the other bootable
images. So if a kernel is changed, all bootable images need to be
regenerated. Often that's not worth the trouble. 

> Note please that I'm not judge the process or the developers, I'm just
> asking. Forget about atomic thing in ftp servers, I got it right some
> time ago, without help. I was able to see this looking at the files
> date: it is updated at each refresh if the server is in an update
> process.

> I really don't know why developers are so jumpy when it comes about a
> question. I know, computer things are time consuming, if you feel you
> don't have the time please don't bother to answer. Maybe some other
> people know the issue and they have some time to explain. Not to me
> only, to the list. Bytheway, did you figure out why this cksum thing
> is comming over and over - because it was not explained from the first
> time. And it is not clear even now. Maybe some of user will eventually
> get a clue glueing all the answer scattered on this list and FAQ.
> Thanks

Well, a lot of the answers you could have found yourself.


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