Hi Denis,

How do I force an install with yum?
I am only aware of the rpm commands like --nodeps etc but not the yum equivalent.



On 01/09/2014 02:44 PM, Denis Fateyev wrote:
Thanks for the report, will be fixed soon. This man-file was missed from
'alternatives' indeed. Meanwhile you can do force install, or skip it
during installation - non-critical since involves a single man-page only.

As for pam, the package is built with pam support, and comes with a
pam-file which complies system requirements. I haven't checked it with
submission, so you can try and report.

wbr, Denis.

On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 6:40 PM, Michiel van Es <m...@protegam.nl
<mailto:m...@protegam.nl>> wrote:

        Glad to announce that the `opensmtpd` package is recently
        available in
        the official Fedora repository, and in EPEL repository for RedHat
        Enterprise Linux, as well.


        All Fedora/RHEL users are encouraged to test packages and leave

    I get an error with Postfix installed:

    Transaction Check Error:
       file /usr/share/man/man8/smtpd.8.gz from install of
    opensmtpd-5.4.1p1-1.el6.x86_64 conflicts with file from package

    Is this package installed with the pam auth package so I can use it
    for submission?



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