
It may seem like activity has slowed down for us so this is just a quick
mail to let you know about what's (been) going on behind the scene.

First of all, we're now the default MTA on OpenBSD.

This means that our user base has grown considerably as well as the kind
of hardware OpenSMTPD is being tested on. This may seem like nothing but
what works on eric's i386 or my amd64 do not necessarily work that great
on deraadt's vax, tobias' hppa or random joe's sparc.

We knew we could build on these architectures but we only ran on limited
sets of them and this broader coverage has highlighted some bugs that we
could never see on modern architectures with more CPU and memory.

So we have temporarily stopped working on new features to get bugs fixed
and rethink some parts of the daemon that could be optimized a bit. This
work is now done, and we are now backporting all the OpenBSD improvement
to our development tree before resuming the work on filters.

Stay tuned and ...

... please use this list instead of asking questions in private, I can't
possibly help troubleshooting every smtpd.conf ;-)

Gilles Chehade

https://www.poolp.org                                          @poolpOrg

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