In the documentation it doesn't use
the shell in the passwd file.

The documentation uses the following example:

In a listener context, the credentials are a mapping of username and
encrypted passwords:

user1 $2a$06$hIJ4QfMcp.90nJwKqGbKM.MybArjHOTpEtoTV.DgLYAiThuoYmTSe
user2 $2a$06$bwSmUOBGcZGamIfRuXGTvuTo3VLbPG9k5yeKNMBtULBhksV5KdGsK

But in my case, because I am using "vmail" and having dovecot using
the same file, the file looks like this:


I wanted to remove the ":/bin/nologin" part because Dovecot doesn't
need that, but if I do that I get the following error from OpenSMTPD:

warn: table-passwd: invalid entry
warn: table-passwd: error parsing config file
warn: table-proc: pipe closed
fatal: table-proc: exiting

If I insert the login part and restart OpenSMTPD it works again.

Maybe I am overlooking something, but I just wanted to mention this as
I don't know if it is something currently disabled in latest snapshot
of OpenSMTPD.

Kind regards

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