On 14-11-01 02:27 AM, Eric Kom wrote:
Good day all,
I'm running a Mail server based on Dovecot and Postfix for 2 years now without problem and would like to try OpenSMTPD instead of Sendmail.
Where can I find an user documentation?
It is possible for OpenSMTPD to support a MDA like LDA from Dovecot?


In smtpd.conf, use something like:
delivery = "mda \"/usr/local/libexec/dovecot/dovecot-lda -a %{rcpt} -d %{user.username} -e -f %{sender} -m INBOX\""
accept from local for local alias <aliases> deliver to $delivery

RTFM: "man smtpd.conf"

-Adam Thompson

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