I administer an email system which uses a VPS running OpenSMTPD as the public facing bit.

The VPS relays email to and from a separate OpenSMTPD mail server which is located on premises. We'll call this the 'local' server.

The local server gets powered down every night, however this currently causes messages to back up on the VPS or 'public' server. When the local server comes back online in the morning, I have to log into the public relay server and use smtpctl to manually resume the route to the local server. Then a 'smtpctl schedule all' command must be run after which the backed up overnight email comes pouring in.

This configuration is suboptimal for two reasons

* It generates bounce and 'sending delayed' postmaster messages when the local server is down * It requires manual intervention to ensure speedy email delivery to the local server when it's powered back on.

I've been thinking about adding another OpenSMTPD relay mail server at the local site, which is low power and can stay running all the time without issue. But this merely shifts the location of the mail pile-up from remote to local.

Any mail gurus out there have a solid method for solving this problem?

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