I also tried delivering to mbox & exactly the same issue was present...

On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 11:30 PM, Tom Keene <t...@theanthillsocial.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> Replacing:
> accept from source { localhost } for any relay
> With:
> accept for any relay
> Attempts to deliver to @gmail.com though the email never gets through as its
> gets bounced so it does look like the following line is the issue:
> accept from source { localhost } for any relay
> Tom
> On Thu, 9 Jul 2015 9:45 pm Herbert J. Skuhra <herb...@oslo.ath.cx> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 09, 2015 at 01:03:24PM -0700, Seth wrote:
>> > On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 11:58:38 -0700, Herbert J. Skuhra
>> > <herb...@oslo.ath.cx>
>> > wrote:
>> > >>CONFIG
>> > >>pki domain.tld certificate  "/etc/smtpd/tls/smtpd.crt"
>> > >>pki domain.tld key            "/etc/smtpd/tls/smtpd.key"
>> > >>table vdoms                     "/etc/smtpd/vdoms"
>> > >>table vusers                     "/etc/smtpd/vusers"
>> > >>listen on eth0 hostname domain.tld
>> > >>accept from any for domain <vdoms> virtual <vusers> deliver to maildir
>> > >>"/home/tom/mails"
>> > >>accept from source { localhost } for any relay
>> > >
>> > >I think the above line is the problem. It should work if you add
>> > >!
>> >
>> > Hm. That last line is meant to allow the local system and other email
>> > clients on the specified subnet to be able to send outbound mail through
>> > the
>> > server. It's not intended for other mail servers on the Internet, the
>> > prior
>> > statement should handle that traffic.
>> So this is a bug? (Not sure if I understand you correctly.)
>> Changing 'accept from source...' to 'accept for any relay' solves the
>> "received
>> invalid command: "RCPT TO:xxxx" for me. I am running 5.7.1p1 on FreeBSD.
>> --
>> Herbert
>> --
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{Artist, Programmer, Researcher}
Researcher: European Research Council project
Citizen Sense
Department of Sociology
Goldsmiths, University of London

w. www.theanthillsocial.co.uk
w. www.citizensense.net
e. t...@theanthillsocial.co.uk
e. t.ke...@gold.ac.uk
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