On 04/04/16 15:55, Ultramedia Libertad wrote:

I have a problem in my server debian 8 and OpenSMTPD

# smtpd -dv -Tlookup

debug: smtp: new client on listener: 0xd34880
smtp-in: session dd3d7c11f63059ad: connection from host
mail-oi0-f47.google.com [] established
debug: smtp: SIZE in MAIL FROM command
smtp-in: session dd3d7c11f63059ad: received invalid command: "RCPT
smtp-in: session dd3d7c11f63059ad: connection from host
mail-oi0-f47.google.com [] closed (client sent QUIT)
debug: smtp: 0xdce130: deleting session: done

my smtpd.conf is :

myhostname = "mail.myhost.com"
ext = "eth0"
int = ""

pki $myhostname certificate "/etc/mail/cert/mail.myhost.com.crt"
pki $myhostname key "/etc/mail/cert/mail.myhost.com.key"
pki $myhostname dhparams "/etc/nginx/ssl/defaultip/dhparam.pem"

table vrecipients file:/etc/mail/vrecipients

is r...@myhost.com in vrecipients?
table vdomains mysql:/etc/mail/vdomains.conf
table valiases mysql:/etc/mail/valiases.conf
table credentials mysql:/etc/mail/credenciales.conf

listen on lo
listen on $ext port 25
listen on $ext port 587 tls-require pki $myhostname hostname
$myhostname auth <credentials>

listen on lo port 10028 tag CLAM_IN # incoming mail
listen on lo port 10030 tag CLAM_OUT # outgoing mail
listen on lo port 10026 tag SPAM_IN # incoming mail

accept tagged SPAM_IN for domain <vdomains> recipient <vrecipients>
relay via lmtp://
should this be smtp://

accept tagged CLAM_IN for domain <vdomains> recipient <vrecipients>
relay via smtp://
accept tagged CLAM_IN for domain <vdomains> virtual <valiases>

accept tagged CLAM_OUT for domain <vdomains> recipient <vrecipients>
relay via lmtp://

see above.
accept tagged CLAM_OUT for domain <vdomains> virtual <valiases>
accept tagged CLAM_OUT for any relay

please i need help for review error.


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