On Wed, Apr 06, 2016 at 10:13:42AM -0500, Edgar Pettijohn wrote:
> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Apr 6, 2016, at 4:01 AM, Kai Wirt <u-tu...@gmx.de> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > when i used sendmail i allowed my clients to relay mail if they 
> > authenticated via SMTPAUTH or if they could present a valid certificate 
> > with STARTTLS.
> > I'm trying to do the same with OpenSMTPD. I understand, that I can have two 
> > different listeners. One which accepts SMTPAUTH. And one which has 
> > tls-require verify. But from what I could tell from the man pages there is 
> > no way to have tls-require and auth as alternatives on one listener.
> > 
> > My use case is that I have clients
> By client to you mean a person logging in with a mail client. Or another 
> server using you as a relay?

To be more precise i prefer authentication using client certificates. This 
works fine with most of
the mail software i use. However i have a few mobile devices which don't 
support client certificates.
For these i use SMTPAUTH. Currently i use two different listeners on two 
different ports for this.
What i would like to achieve is to have only one listener on the submission 
port and then accept
mails either if the client authenticated using SMTPAUTH _or_ if the client was 
able to present a
valid certificate.

If i am not mistaken having auth and tls-require verify enforces both. The 
solution in sendmail was,
that clients were treated as local in both cases.

> > which don't have certificates and should be allowed to relay with SMTPAUTH. 
> > And I have other mailservers which use OpenSMTPD as smarthost and which 
> > have certificates. For the latter I don't like to configure credentials.
> > 
> This sounds possible. You may have to get clever with tagging. 

This is what i currently do. The listener with tls-require verify tags with a 
keyword and i accept
mail from local (this is the smtpauth part) and mail tagged with the keyword.


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